“For What Nation is There So Great” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 6 Q4 2021

01 Nov 2021

Sabbath School panel discussion and insight by 3ABN pastors and teachers. This video follows 2021 quarter 4, lesson 6 of the adult Bible study guide book. This quarter's book topic is “Present Truth in Deuteronomy” and this week's Sabbath School lesson is titled “For What Nation is There So Great” Join us every week for a fresh and relevant study of the word of God.

“Deut. 4:1–9, Matt. 15:1–9, Num. 25:1–15, 1 Cor. 10:13, Deut. 4:32–35, Matt. 5:13–16”

“ ‘And what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous judgments as are in all this law which I set before you this day?’ ” (Deuteronomy 4:8, NKJV).

(October 30–November 5)

Sunday (Shelley Quinn) - “Do Not Add or Take Away”
Monday (James Rafferty) - “Baal Peor”
Tuesday (Jill Morikone) - “Cleave to the Lord Your God”
Wednesday (Ryan Day) - “For What Nation is There So Great”
Thursday (Kenny Shelton) - “Your Wisdom and Your Understanding”

🔴ONLINE SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON https://absg.adventist.org/pdf.php?file=2021:4Q:SE:PDFs:EAQ421_06.pdf

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