“Meekness in the Crucible” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 10 Q3 2022

28 Aug 2022

Sabbath School panel discussion and insight by 3ABN pastors and teachers. This video follows 2022 quarter 3, lesson 10 of the adult Bible study guide book. This quarter's book topic is “In the Crucible with Christ” and this week's Sabbath School lesson is titled “Meekness in the Crucible”. Join us every week for a fresh and relevant study of the word of God.

Ezek. 24:15–27, Exod. 32:1– 14, Matt. 5:43–48, 1 Pet. 2:18–25, Ps. 62:1–8.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5, NKJV).

(August 27–September 2)

Sunday (Shelley Quinn) - “Broken Bread and Poured-Out Wine”
Monday (John Lomacang) - “Interceding for Grace”
Tuesday (James Rafferty) - “Loving Those Who Hurt Us”
Wednesday (John Dinzey) - “A Closed Mouth”
Thursday (Ryan Day) - “Our Rock and Refuge”

🔴ONLINE SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON https://absg.adventist.org/pdf.php?file=2022:3Q:SE:PDFs:EAQ322_10.pdf

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🔗SABBATH SCHOOL PANEL PODCAST: https://3abn.org/ssp-podcast.html

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